Welcome to The Australian Persimmon Export Company

Sweet Gold

Golden Star


What we do

The Australian Persimmon Export Company (APEC) is entirely grower owned and controlled. Members from five Australian states (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia) grow and market sweet (non-astringent) persimmons under two brands (Sweet Gold and Golden Star) , developed and owned by the company. Our quality standards are compulsory – because we take responsibility for our own product from the orchard to the final consumer.


Our vision

APEC is committed to satisfying the consumers of its products and services in ways that provide company members with sustainable profits.


Our members

All members of APEC are shareholders of the company. There are presently over 30 members including 10 foundation shareholders, the ones who have been with the group since the idea was floated in 1989. Every member is a professional fruit grower, but other participants in the chain between producer and consumer may be considered for membership. Each member has one equal sized vote in company matters.

Among our members are shareholders or directors of many well known, successful Australian horticultural enterprises.


Our structure

The company is run by a Board of Directors, which is elected by shareholder members. It employs an Executive Director who is responsible for the smooth running of day to day affairs.

Each year APEC holds a field day in conjunction with its annual meeting. APEC's registered office is in Adelaide.


Our product

Our product is our reputation and therefore our lifeblood. We market sweet persimmons, mostly of the variety Fuyu, under our registered Sweet Gold and Golden Star brands.

Our marketing focus is on Asian countries, particularly Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Thailand. Grower members of APEC personally visit these markets every year to build relationships with our agents and consumers – ensuring that what we do is what they want.

APEC exports have averaged two thirds of the total exports of persimmons out of Australia since the mid 1990's and account for 75% of the imports of Australian persimmons into Singapore.


Our history

APEC began life at a National Persimmon Industry Conference at Coffs Harbour in 1989. Over the next few years with help from the Federal Government's Marketing Skills Program and Ray Collins from the University of Queensland Gatton College, a core group of growers embraced the concepts of working together, working to a quality standard, controlling and taking responsibility for their own marketing outcomes, and developing a quality brand product for targeted markets. The first exports were of 3,000 trays in 1991. APEC was officially incorporated in 1994.


Our performance

In this sort of initiative, performance can be measured by a number of yardsticks. But the most important is the dual satisfaction of company shareholders and consumers of the product. Shareholders have consistently achieved returns that would never have been possible if APEC did not exist. APEC has set a benchmark by which quality and price are measured.

We know our consumers are happy because they tell us so when we visit them every year, and because of the level of repeat business we do. “Sweet Gold” has become the number one brand of persimmons for its time slot in the Singapore market.


Our future

The company's commitment to the future is to expand both its supply base of export quality persimmons, and the exposure of its brand in targeted Asian markets. The company's growth will include new members who can aspire to the same ideals, and meet the same standards as present members.



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